This report is the result of the information transferred and entered by the User of the Chiller Selection Software.
HITACHI assumes no kind of liability regarding the data and information entered in the Software in relation to:
- The static part of the Software that, through preset parameters, includes the information required to carry out and make the calculations corresponding to each project.
- This information merely includes the parameters for the preparation of the report in line with the model designed by and with the knowledge of Hitachi, without this implying any kind of guarantee for the user regarding the precision and reliability of the results of the report.
Hitachi is not liable for the failure to include any legal aspects that may correspond or be necessary according to current law.
- The dynamic part of the Software, which is the result of the information entered by the Software User in response to said parameters. The User is on all accounts exclusively liable for the contents of the information entered in these parameters.
The Software and the issuing of this report are merely a tool to assist the User in the planning and implementation of the project of reference.
Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning Spain, S.A.U.(hereinafter “Hitachi”) hereby informs users that it respects current data protection law, user privacy and data secrecy and security, adopting the technical and organisational means necessary to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of the personal details provided, considering the state of technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed.
The services, content access and range of products on this website are exclusively aimed at persons over the age of 18 and, therefore, anyone submitting their personal details declares to be of this age. The use of www.hitachi-hitoolkit.com and the submission of personal details by minors under the age of 18 is forbidden.
Hitachi shall process the details in line with the quality principles required by the Spanish Data Protection Act 15/1999 of 13th December in a confidential manner and using the security measures required by Spanish Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21st December that approves the Ruling implementing Spanish Data Protection Act (RLOPD) 15/1999 of 13th December.
The personal details provided on the website shall be recorded in a file held by Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning Spain, S.A.U., duly declared and listed in the General Data Protection Register, in order to provide the services offered and to send, using any medium including e-mail, offers on the products and services of our company, to improve the business relationship and to manage any requests made by our clients.
By merely sending their personal details to Hitachi, Users are agreeing to their inclusion in the file and the subsequent processing of their details.
Users may revoke their agreement, non-retroactively, and may exercise their right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose in writing, attaching a photocopy of their National Identity Document or other ID document to Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning Spain, S.A.U., Ronda Shimizu nº 1 – Polígono Industrial Can Torrilla, C.P. 08233 - Vacarisses (Barcelona).
Users guarantee that the personal details provided to Hitachi are truthful and are responsible for informing of any modification thereto at any time to ensure they respond to the current situation.
Should you have any queries or comments on the way in which Hitachi uses the details of its users, please write to us at esp-hape@jci-hitachi.com.